19-year-old Romanian busker Francesca Romeno has lived in London for six months. Tourists pay to pose with her Queen mask.
Insurer Andrew Barnes and a business associate enjoy lunch at Searcys private members' club at the hope of the Swiss Re building, aka the Gherkin
The trading floors of the Lloyd's Building. At peak hours there can be as many as 5,500 people in the building.
David Lewis, a regular at Franco's café on Jermyn Street, a popular haunt of locals and financiers.
An early-morning swimmer emerges form teh Serpentine Lido in Hyde Park
Actor Mackenzie Crook at the Donmar Warehouse, preparing to go on stage in The Recruiting Officer
Comfort, a regular at the Christ Faith Tabernacle church, attended by more that 2,000 people on Sundays.
Midday prayers at the Soho Islamic Centre spills out onto the market
14-year-old Cesar Wong taught himself to fish and spends his Sundays at this particular pond.
Henry and Isobel Higgins and their cousin Gabriella on their way to their grandparents' renewal of wedding vows. The family, originally from Bermondsey, now live in Kent.